Submit Your Mangle

Have you seen or heard a great mangle?
Submit it to "Mangle of the Month" using the form below.

The winner of the mangle of the month will receive an orignial Alan Moir, framed cartoon.

All entries will be checked before going live on the site.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Please note - only your first name will be published, no other personal details are revealed.
This is for our information only.
Phone (Work):

Category: *

Mangle Upload

Please either submit a form using the file upload below:
File Upload (document, image, audio or video FILE)
Type of File: *

OR - enter a YouTube URL here:

© 2011 Modern Manglish
Modern Manglish
Contact Harold Scruby
PO Box 500, Neutral Bay
NSW 2089 - Australia(